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Best Kindergarten

For Your Kids


Welcome To Cubs n Kittens

Sowing seeds of knowledge

Enroll Your Child In Our School

Great Teacher

A great teacher is the foundation of a positive and successful nursery school experience for children.

Creative Lessons

Welcome to our nursery school's website, where we provide an enriching and creative learning environment for young children.

Active Learning

Cubs n Kittens pre school, we believe that active learning is the most effective way for young children to learn and grow.

Best Environment

Welcome to our Cubs n Kittens's website, where we provide the best possible learning environment for young children.


Welcome to Cubs n Kittens

Cubs n Kittensโ€™s curriculum is based on Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences where children are encouraged to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners through an activity-based program. We provide stimulating learning experiences focused on the strengths and needs of individuals. Education is a joint venture: an association between the school and the home to ensure that children become successful in whatever they choose to pursue. Right education materializes out of co-operation among the learners, mentors, parents and the community.

Preschools have founded almost often on morals and educational methods designed for higher grades whereas , we have entrenched our school to inculcate values and passion about learning. Our first goal is to provide pupils with a joyful, secure, and safe environment. Also, to fill a significant void in the educational system.

Founder - Mrs. Prachi Patil

Our Classes

2 to 3 years


Discovery and exploration, language development, new-age skills, and shaping scientific mindset.
3 to 4 years


Enhancing interaction, cultivating creativity and improving imagination through art and music.
4 to 5 years

Junior KG

Age-appropriate learning and educational tools suited for individual pace.

5 to 6 years

Senior KG

Developing vocabulary, attention span, reading and writing skills with innovative methods and preparing for primary school.
5 Years & Above

Yoga Classes

Purposeful and fun activities that support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
5 Years & Above

Dance Classes

We love to make learning to dance an unforgettable and magical experience for you and your Child.
5 Years & Above

Zumba Classes

The ultimate dance-fitness party for young Zumba fans, where they can play it loud and rock with friends to their own rules
5 Years & Above

School Tuitions

We Provide Tutions classes From 1st to 10th CBSE, ISCE and Maharashtra Board.

Why choose us

Best Preschool Education for your kids

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